Our Services

Reliable Documented. Value for Money

Φωτοερμηνείες Συσταδα

Services to citizens

We provide Technical Consultant services to individuals in the context of submitting and supporting objections against the Forest Maps, as well as supporting objections of the National Cadastre (Photointerpretation Reports – Expertise).

Δημόσιες Συμβάσεις

Services to public bodies

We undertake the preparation of forest, horticultural and environmental studies, participating in tenders, in accordance with the current legislation on Public Procurement, as well as the provision of technical support services to public authorities, the preparation of maturity files for co-funded projects, etc.

Customer Support

Customer support

Our clients can consult us on any matter concerning their case, or in the context of the implementation of a public contract.

Team work


For the more efficient handling of significant cases and the award of major public contracts, we cooperate with independent researchers, consultancies and research centres, investing in flexible and efficient collaborations for the benefit of the client.

Acoustic Model Systada

Research and innovation

We participate in research partnerships with private companies and research centres to develop and implement new, innovative services and solutions for issues related to the management and protection of the natural environment

ESG Systada

Corporate social responsibility

We undertake the support, free of charge or for a symbolic fee, of public interest cases on behalf of environmental organisations and associations, with a view to protecting and preserving the natural environment for future generations.

Systada State of the art

Scientific approach

We seek scientifically documented and reliable solutions and proposals by investing in the continuous training of our executives, in order to acquire new skills and certifications.

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