Frequently asked questions
Below you will find information in the form of questions and answers on various issues of concern to citizens and institutions regarding the protection of forests and the natural environment in general.
First of all, anyone who owns real estate outside the city plan could need the services of our office. The most common case is the provision of specialised consultancy services on land classification issues. Also, if someone has property in an area under cadastral registration, where the Forest Map is logically drawn up, they will probably need the services of a Technical Advisor during the objection stage or for the submission of an obvious error.
Each interested party should be aware that if, at the discretion of the competent Forestry Authority and during the investigation of the aerial photographs, it is found that the area for which the certificate is being applied for had in the past (e.g. year 1945) forest vegetation, then, as a rule, a recommendation is made to declare the area as reforestation area, which can only be challenged by an appeal within 60 days to the relevant Administrative Court of Appeal, while the competent Forestry Authority takes the legal actions (issue of an Administrative Ejection Protocol, etc.). It is recommended that interested parties either follow the progress of the case with the official public servant, or consult a qualified Technical Advisor.
Yes, if the following conditions are met:
1) The certificate has been issued at the request of a third party or ex officio
2) There must be a legitimate interest (e.g. title of ownership) in the area where the objections are to be raised
3) The certificate has not been notified to him or the person concerned has not been informed of it
According to paragraph 1 of article 49 of Law 998/79, as amended by article 41 of the new Construction Rules (Law 4067/2012), the construction of works necessary for the operation of suburban forests, groves and parks, which maintain and improve vegetation, facilitate the movement of visitors, etc.
According to the new Spatial Plan for RES (article 17), the installation of photovoltaic systems in forests is NOT allowed. However, it is allowed in public forest areas, following an intervention permit issued by the relevant Forest Service
The interested party who proceeds to the settlement of an illegal building in an off-plan area, in case no final land type certification has been issued for the plot where the building is located (note: an old type of Forestr Department Certificate is not sufficient), should consult a private forester to investigate the possibility that the building is located in a forest, forest or public grassland area. In this case, the person concerned may have to bear the cost of settling an arbitrary act without impact
No, at one can find useful information on broader forestry and environmental issues, as well as opinions on these issues. Information is also provided on investments, Europeran funding programmes, funding etc. in forestry or environmental actions, involving either private or public entities as potential investors.
Apart from the needs for environmental permits (e.g. drilling) that a farmer may have, he may be interested in investments in agri-tourism accommodation, in afforestation of agricultural land, in agri-environmental payments (due to loss of income in Natura areas), etc. In this context we cooperate with experienced agronomists to provide integrated solutions and quality services.
Our office initially undertakes the preliminary examination of each case and, if feasible, the necessary procedures (expert opinion, intervention permits) for the successful implementation of your investment.
By 15/5/2015, the utilised pasture area of each farmer must be included in an approved Grazing Management Plan. The Livestock Organization to which you belong should take the necessary steps in time for the preparation and approval of the Management Plan
First of all, for the groves and parks of the Municipality, which as a rule are subject to the provisions of the forestr legislation, the preparation of a management study by a forestrer is required, in accordance with the applicable provisions. For trees located in public areas, we also undertake, in addition, the recording and assessment of their risk, according to the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) standards.
Areas within settlements are, as a rule, not subject to the protective provisions of forestry legislation. However, you should contact the relevant department of your municipality and the Forestry Department for more information, as well as a specialised crew (private company) that undertakes such work.